
Newsletter december 2024
In God is my salvation en my glory, 
the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God.
Psalm 62:7
Dear friends,
In this time of the year you are being bombarded with Christmas letters, and now this one! But at the end of this year, I want to drop in to share a few things, as we just had our yearly evaluation with the teams.
Adulam saw 24 boys coming through the house this year, Talita Cumi 25 girls. Of the boys, 8 left having reached third stage: concluding the whole rehabilitation programme. The young people that come have an average of a 3- to 5-year gap in their education, but they all made it to the next grade! Two girls graduated secondary school; we are really proud of them! Such a blessing, with Gods help and your support!
This hasn’t been an easy year for Talita Cumi with very difficult girls with psychiatric and legal problems. Eleven left without concluding their programme. As a result of these difficulties, we have now got legal permission to not admit teenagers that do not fit our profile.
In Jesed we helped over 70 children. A couple of days ago these children had their “store” where they could go shopping with the points they earned. Emily was so happy with all her money, and Brian was thanking everyone in all little stores: shoes, clothing, toys, foodstuffs. All children come from extremely poor families, and it is a privilege to help them with their learning- and behavioural problems. And the best news of all: we have a monthly time of prayer with parents of these children. Two dads have received the Lord Jesus in their hearts and another father will take them with him to church.  
Photos: Emily waits with her "money" to go purchase toys! (top-left) Brian and other children in the "store" of Jesed (top-right); A special meal honouring four boys who moved into third stage (bottom-left) Time of prayer with parents of the children in Jesed. (bottom-right)
In Adulam and Talita Cumi we are in the Exodus stage, several young people have concluded their rehabilitation process and returned to their families. Rene still had time to participate in the song contest, writing about their lives. We value prayer, as it is not easy for the ones who stay with us to see their friends leave.
It is a miracle of the Lord that we are able to give the team a small Christmas hamper. At the moment we cannot purchase normal cooking oil anywhere and rice is very hard to come by and up to 50% dearer, if you can find it at all. We are very grateful for the extra support we already received to be able to face the situations here, may the Lord bless you.
Ah and yes, once more I need to cue up for gas as the provision is lacking again. But thankfully I have enough so we can travel to the high security prison tomorrow to make a last visit this year.
I want to finish with a Christmas greeting: An old hymn says: “I walk along steep paths, but You go with me.” I am grateful that this is my testimony. It is also the testimony of all in Mission Adulam.
However complicated situations were, and however tense situations in the world have been this year, we knew we were being upheld by the Lord. This was also through your prayers and support, for which the children, teenagers and I am truly grateful! Together we are part of what the Lord is doing.
I wish you the blessing of the Lord for 2025, with this last line of the hymn: “You know the way oh Lord, lead me on.”
Bye, with warm greetings, Fineke & teams.
In this time of the year you are being bombarded with Christmas letters, and now this one! But at the end of this year, I want to drop in to share a few things, as we just had our yearly evaluation with the teams.
Adulam saw 24 boys coming through the house this year, Talita Cumi 25 girls. Of the boys, 8 left having reached third stage: concluding the whole rehabilitation programme. The young people that come have an average of a 3- to 5-year gap in their education, but they all made it to the next grade! Two girls graduated secondary school; we are really proud of them! Such a blessing, with Gods help and your support!
This hasn’t been an easy year for Talita Cumi with very difficult girls with psychiatric and legal problems. Eleven left without concluding their programme. As a result of these difficulties, we have now got legal permission to not admit teenagers that do not fit our profile.
In Jesed we helped over 70 children. A couple of days ago these children had their “store” where they could go shopping with the points they earned. Emily was so happy with all her money, and Brian was thanking everyone in all little stores: shoes, clothing, toys, foodstuffs. All children come from extremely poor families, and it is a privilege to help them with their learning- and behavioural problems. And the best news of all: we have a monthly time of prayer with parents of these children. Two dads have received the Lord Jesus in their hearts and another father will take them with him to church.  
Photos: Emily waits with her "money" to go purchase toys! (top-left). Brian and other children in the "store" of Jesed (top-right); A special meal honouring four boys who moved into third stage (bottom-left) Time of prayer with parents of the children in Jesed. (bottom-right).
In Adulam and Talita Cumi we are in the Exodus stage, several young people have concluded their rehabilitation process and returned to their families. Rene still had time to participate in the song contest, writing about their lives. We value prayer, as it is not easy for the ones who stay with us to see their friends leave.
It is a miracle of the Lord that we are able to give the team a small Christmas hamper. At the moment we cannot purchase normal cooking oil anywhere and rice is very hard to come by and up to 50% dearer, if you can find it at all. We are very grateful for the extra support we already received to be able to face the situations here, may the Lord bless you.
Ah and yes, once more I need to cue up for gas as the provision is lacking again. But thankfully I have enough so we can travel to the high security prison tomorrow to make a last visit this year.
I want to finish with a Christmas greeting: An old hymn says: “I walk along steep paths, but You go with me.” I am grateful that this is my testimony. It is also the testimony of all in Mission Adulam.
However complicated situations were, and however tense situations in the world have been this year, we knew we were being upheld by the Lord. This was also through your prayers and support, for which the children, teenagers and I am truly grateful! Together we are part of what the Lord is doing.
I wish you the blessing of the Lord for 2025, with this last line of the hymn: “You know the way oh Lord, lead me on.”
Bye, with warm greetings, Fineke and teams.
Fineke and all in Mision Adulam.  Contact:

To support the ministry: 
Bank transfer through the Dutch account in Euro: Accountholder Roelfina L. Janssen 
Bank: ING Acct IBAN:INGBNL2A Acct number NL05 INGB0003194140  By credit card using WhyDonate button
Our Website: Sign on for extra prayerbullets:
The book about my life and ministry: My heart is in Bolivia by Peter de Bruijne is available on Amazon Books. 
Support in the USA can be receive using ZELLE, Wells Fargo bank, email
In Canada we are linked with Hands For Humanity, an accredited Christian charity. Donations can be made through their website, designating the gift for Mision Adulam - Fineke Janssen, or send an earmarked check to: Hands For Humanity – 218 Silvercreek Parkway  N – Suite 202 – Unit 17A – Guelph ON – N1H 8E8