Newsletter february 2025

In God is my salvation en my glory,
the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God.
Psalm 62:7
Dear friends,
What unites us is the Lord Jesus and the Bible, just as with this dear sister who is making good use of her time reading the Bible between customers.
I am aware that in prayer the distance between us is often bridged, and am grateful that you are "with us".
This week Enrique left us to enter into military service, having finished his rehabilitation. An uncle who came to get him, thanked us for having received him in Adulam. He told us that the Enrique he sees now is another than a year ago: first addicted and a burden, now a lad with values and a positive vision for his future. This was made possible through the Lord working in and with this teenager and because the work is enabled through your prayers and financial support. We praise the Lord and are grateful to you!
In each of the three projects, Adulam, Talita Cumi and Jesed, we are interviewing young people for the projects. This way we admitted Jose in Adulam, his is a very sad story. After his mum died, father left the 5 children to fend for themselves, with bad consequences. We pray he will allow us to work through the hard things together and that he will get a new vision for his future. In Jesed children who received help last year are coming back as well as new faces. Children and their parents learn to deal with for instance ADHD, Dyslexia or Autism, sometimes need support while the children are in primary school. Here too the stories are often heart-breaking, which makes me all the more grateful for the interdisciplinary team that aims to help these children.
Photos: Enrique leaves to go into military service (top-left) In the office passing on information to the new accountant (top-right); Children signing in for Jesed with the social worker (bottom-left) Girls in Talita Cumi meditating on the Scriptures together. (bottom-right)

The girls are concentrating on the challenges this new schoolyear holds for them (all will go to school). In Adulam, some boys also learn practical skills, for example by helping to give their bedroom a fresh coat of paint.
Recently I had a special conversation with someone in the high security prison: "Fineke I feel so lonely and that makes me sad". How wonderful to be able to read Matthew 28 vs 20 together, where the Lord Jesus promises to be with us always. I gave him a Bible and he promised to start reading it!
The situation in Bolivia isn't getting any easier. Gone are the days I could go to the market with a fixed amount of money in my hand. This week my white cabbage and the shin of beef for the soup had gone up by resp. 60% and 50%. A friend told me she was going to trust in the Lord, she cannot afford the medication she needs according the doctor. An ex-prisoner phoned: he could possibly get a job but had to turn up in a white shirt and blue trousers. He hopefully started today.
Father knows, but I want to share this with you too. I know that where you are prices also have been going up but here it is just outrageous. Instant coffee has become a luxury, prices have doubled. We are so grateful to the Lord that we were able to purchase some non-perishable foodstuffs last year, but we still need to provide the rest. We are grateful for the faithful support we receive and for occasional special activities done on our behalf!
Personally I am doing last preparations for a furlough period in the UK where I hope to share about the ministry and hopefully encourage people with all the Lord is doing here.
Bye, may the Lord bless you, Fineke and teams.

Bye, may the Lord bless you, Fineke and teams.
To support the ministry:
Bank transfer through the Dutch account in Euro: Accountholder Roelfina L. Janssen
Bank: ING Acct IBAN:INGBNL2A Acct number NL05 INGB0003194140 By credit card using WhyDonate button
Our Website: Sign on for extra prayerbullets:
The book about my life and ministry: My heart is in Bolivia by Peter de Bruijne is available on Amazon Books.
Support in the USA can be receive using ZELLE, Wells Fargo bank, email
In Canada we are linked with Hands For Humanity, an accredited Christian charity. Donations can be made through their website, designating the gift for Mision Adulam - Fineke Janssen, or send an earmarked check to: Hands For Humanity – 218 Silvercreek Parkway N – Suite 202 – Unit 17A – Guelph ON – N1H 8E8