
Newsletter Oktober 2024
In God is my salvation en my glory, 
the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God.
Psalm 62:7
Dear friends,
It's a privilege that I can stop by to tell you about some of the things that are happening in Mision Adulam and Bolivia! Life is rather complicated at the moment. We had roadblocks before, but on top of that we now also have to deal with rising prices nearly on a weekly basis (up to 25-35 and sometimes over 50%), and the lack of for instance petrol. Where this is going to end we don't know, but are grateful our Father in heaven cares for us. This really is a matter for prayer, the impact on our expenses is great, as well as the stress all of this produces.
Concerning the young people in Talita Cumi and Adulam we had a series of virtual court hearings. The aim was to try and get some youngsters transferred to a facility better equipped to deal with the psychiatric problems that result in one crisis after another. Tomorrow a judge will come from the rural area, to have the court hearing for two boys with us. Both boys will be involved too, just as the lawyer we had to hire to help.
Personally I had a bit of a shock this week, when I discovered my credit card was cloned whilst in the UK last month. A large amount of money is gone, according to the bank I might hear by the beginning of April how this is going to be resolved. I'm now sorting out a new card, as especially travelling is rather complicated, particularly because we also have a problem with foreign currency.
Photos: A miracle! Yesterday we received a 1/4 part of a cow!!! (top-left). Felina received a bouquet of paper flowers in honour of the day of the Bolivian woman (top-right). Chantal came for a visit and helped prepare parcels for pastors in the rural area (bottom-left). Poverty is the reality in which many children who come to Jesed are living. Emily made the cute chicken on the table for mum. (bottom-right).
In spite of all going on though, we see beautiful things happening in the three projects.
Today one of the girls is moving into our last stage of rehab, she wants to study to become a teacher. One of the boys in Adulam never knew who his dad was, this now became clear and we trust this will give him some peace of mind. For the day of the Bolivian woman, I received a lovely card from a boy who is orphaned. He is nearly ready to finish the programme and will leave us to do his military service.
At the moment a lot of hard work is going on in the houses through a project with a Dutch organisation for which we are really grateful. We were able to get some radiators in two very cold rooms in Talita Cumi and there is a working boiler in Adulam again too. The list with really necessary items for maintenance is larger than our budget, it is very hard to decide what to skip.  For some reason October is always a bit of a lean month, and particularly now because a member of staff is leaving and by law we have to pay him 9 months wages.
If you are able to help us with that in any way, that would be a real blessing!
Felina and I meet for a whole day at least on a weekly basis, to talk things through about the three projects. We pray and plan how we should move forward and keep the vision of Mision Adulam alive in the hearts of the team.
We are very much aware that the ministry among vulnerable teens and children is done together with you, thank you very much for your loving involvement and prayers.
Photo: a quiet moment with Felina.
Bye, with warm greetings, Fineke and teams.
Bye, this comes with love and warm greetings, in Jesus,
Fineke and all in Mision Adulam.  Contact:

To support the ministry:  
Bank transfer through the Dutch account in Euro: Accountholder Roelfina L. Janssen 
Bank: ING Acct IBAN:INGBNL2A Acct number NL05 INGB0003194140  By credit card using WhyDonate button
Our Website: Sign on for extra prayerbullets:
The book about my life and ministry: My heart is in Bolivia by Peter de Bruijne is available on Amazon Books. 
Support in the USA can be receive using ZELLE, Wells Fargo bank, email
In Canada we are linked with Hands For Humanity, an accredited Christian charity. Donations can be made through their website, designating the gift for Mision Adulam - Fineke Janssen, or send an earmarked check to: Hands For Humanity – 218 Silvercreek Parkway  N – Suite 202 – Unit 17A – Guelph ON – N1H 8E8